I Feel Like My Hands Are Clean

Narconon Colorado Student

A big part of the Personal Values Course has to do with looking at past actions and taking responsibility for them. By looking at how substance abuse has impacted past behavior a person often begins to realize what a negative impact drugs and alcohol have had on their lives. Once a person is able to fully realize this, they often do not wish to continue this destructive behavior.

“I wrote down all of the harmful acts I had done in the past and the secrets connected to these. This was one of the most effective parts of this program for me. I feel like I don’t have any secrets anymore and I’ve never felt that before. It was really hard to take an objective look at myself and look at the things I’ve done, but writing it all down really makes me feel like I never want to do that stuff again. I got through looking at myself and I’m better for doing it. I’ve changed a lot through this and I’m happy my hands are clean.”

H.C.—Narconon Colorado Student



After overcoming her own addiction in 2012 Julie went on to become certified as an addiction counselor in order to help others achieve a life of recovery. She worked in the addiction field for 8 years and now uses both her personal and professional experiences with addiction as an influence for her writing.