Learning to Rebuild Relationships

“I can be close to my family again and we can have loving relationships that have a basis in things that are whole,
rather than things that are broken.”
Happy young woman

A big step in addiction recovery is learning to mend those relationships that have been damaged by past substance abuse. Often times family plays a huge role in someone’s decision to not only get sober but to stay sober as well. A good support system provides a higher chance of success as well as an improved quality of life. Because of this, we place a lot of importance on working to improve these relationships during someone’s time at Narconon Colorado.

“Tonight I had the first open and honest conversation with my mom in a really long time. After feeling like I lost so much, both before and after coming here, it gave me the reality I needed to understand why I’m still here and what I’m fighting for, despite how I’ve found myself feeling at times during my program. All of the hardship I’ve endured in my past and while I’ve been here is worth gaining the hope I finally felt tonight. It is now conceivable to me that I can build and maintain relationships founded on honesty and understanding, rather than deceit and avoidance. I can be close to my family again and we can have loving relationships that have a basis in things that are whole, rather than things that are broken. I finally feel like I’m discovering things that will motivate me to do whatever it takes to stay clean.”

Kate—Narconon Colorado Student



After overcoming her own addiction in 2012 Julie went on to become certified as an addiction counselor in order to help others achieve a life of recovery. She worked in the addiction field for 8 years and now uses both her personal and professional experiences with addiction as an influence for her writing.