Colorado Considering The Use of Supervised Injection Facilities


In an attempt to curb the widespread destruction of the Opioid Epidemic, Colorado is considering starting up Supervised Injection Facilities (SIFs). Although this idea has been implemented in nine other countries, The United States currently does not have any SIFs in operation.

What is a Supervised Injection Facility?

A legally sanctioned and sterile site where people are allowed to inject previously purchased drugs under medical supervision.

Arguments for such facilities include:

  • They have been shown to help reduce the spread of bloodborne pathogens such as HIV and Hepatitis C
  •  They can reduce the number of overdose deaths, for those who use SIFs
  • They would lead to a reduction in the amount of improperly disposed of used syringes that are often left in public areas and cause health hazards for the general public
  • They can provide referrals to treatment for IV drug users who wish to quit

Many people in favor of SIFs claim SIFs will not increase the number of IV users because people who use drugs are going to do so regardless of having a medically supervised location or not. Many argue that we might as well give people a safe place to use in order to reduce the amount of harm that IV drug use causes.

Arguments against SIFs state that such sites:

  • Enable addicts to continue self-destructive behavior by giving them a safe place to shoot up without having to worry about the negative consequences of doing so
  • Send mixed messages to youth about the dangers of IV drug use
  • Inevitably attract drug dealers and raise crime rates in the surrounding area
  • Potentially lower property values for surrounding homes and businesses

Many critics of SIFs feel that the government should not facilitate IV drug use and that SIFs would unintentionally encourage it.

No matter which side of the fence you are on regarding this issue one thing that is clear is that as a country we must work together towards the overall goal of overcoming addiction. If you or someone you know is struggling with quitting IV drug use and are looking for a way out, give us a call today.




After overcoming her own addiction in 2012 Julie went on to become certified as an addiction counselor in order to help others achieve a life of recovery. She worked in the addiction field for 8 years and now uses both her personal and professional experiences with addiction as an influence for her writing.