How My Son Overcame His Addiction

Tracy and family.

At Narconon Colorado, we know that each person is different and that there is no such thing as “one size fits all” when it comes to what is needed for the length of treatment. That is why our philosophy is “It takes as long as it takes.” We know that each case has different needs and that is why we allow each person to go at their own pace when it comes to completing their program.

We also understand that overcoming an addiction is a difficult process and that there will be times when people may want to give up. This is why we do our best to help people work through these tough times to get them back on track. We do these things because when it comes to addiction treatment we know how much is at stake.

“My son Danny is celebrating 3 years of sobriety this month. It has not been an easy road to get to where he is today. Danny is our only child. He was very sweet and charming, good athlete and a good student.

“Danny started drinking at the age of 17 and that lead to experimenting with marijuana. He started going to concerts/raves where he was introduced to hallucinogens and ecstasy. As parents we were heartbroken.

“At the age of 18, our loving, caring son became very headstrong and moved out with some friends. He continued partying and could no longer hold down a job. A buddy took him to get shot up with meth one night and it was the start of his demise. He became very fidgety and almost delusional—due to the lack of sleep. He didn’t care about anything. He dabbled in bath salts mixed with meth and was arrested. Danny did jail time and it still didn’t matter to him. He needed to hit rock bottom.

“Danny quit drinking and was using meth exclusively. He was always very neat in his appearance, but behind that façade was an agitated time bomb. His mannerisms turned to physicality and he started punching holes in walls.

“My breaking point was when I was doing his laundry and I found the needle caps in his clothing. I had a complete meltdown over it. Knowing that he was shooting up just killed me. My husband and I sat him down and gave him an ultimatum—’either go to treatment or you will be living on the streets.’ Danny confided in us that he cannot go another week like this. ’I want to kill myself.’

“That was when I found the number for Narconon. The moment that I spoke with Kyle, I knew this program was the one. When we arrived at Narconon, Danny didn’t want to go in. Kyle went out to the car and patiently talked with him. In no time Danny was walking in with Kyle.

“Danny had a difficult program. At times he wanted to leave, but Don talked him into staying. Five months later Danny graduated from the Narconon Program. It was a very proud moment for all of us. We are a very supportive family!

“Today, Danny is taking a few classes in college, he is coping with frustration and he is healing. He is very cautious but has zero temptations to do drugs.”

“Today, Danny is taking a few classes in college, he is coping with frustration and he is healing. He is very cautious but has zero temptations to do drugs.

“Danny has missed a lot of family functions due to his using, but we have quality time together as a family. We cannot thank Narconon enough.”

—Tracy: Mother of a Narconon Colorado Graduate.



After overcoming her own addiction in 2012 Julie went on to become certified as an addiction counselor in order to help others achieve a life of recovery. She worked in the addiction field for 8 years and now uses both her personal and professional experiences with addiction as an influence for her writing.