I Now Have the Spark Back in My Life

Before coming to Narconon my life was in liability. I was drinking heavily on a day-in and day-out basis. I spent twenty-three years of my life hiding behind a bottle. I used every excuse to drink. If I couldn’t find an excuse, I would drink anyway. I thought that after having my son things would change, but instead, I got worse. I had a lot of self-doubts and never had the courage to truly be myself. I started failing in a lot of aspects of my life: calling into work, being too drunk to do anything, not meeting my goals and most of all, failing as a father. After my last drinking binge, I could have killed myself either from alcohol poisoning or falling and hitting my head on something. This needed to change, and it needed to change quickly.
I came to Narconon with an open mind and an open heart. I was not sure what to expect. All I knew was that I was going to get help. My time in withdrawal was well spent. Here I learned how to comfortably be there with myself. Doing this helped me fight all the cravings I was having at the time. I also learned how to get out of my own head. The ability to look outward and not just inward is amazing. I started to see the beauty in things I looked at every day but had never taken the time to admire. By the time I got to the sauna, I was eager for it. Just the thought of being able to flush out all the toxins that were in my body was a great thing and the spiritual healing aspect of sauna also really helped me a lot.
In the sauna program, I made strong connections with people. Bonding and laughing with people without alcohol felt great; it was something I hadn’t done since middle school. I was also gaining healthy weight back. I came into Narconon weighing 140 pounds and by the middle of the sauna program I was 165 pounds! I became more active and had more energy. During the Objectives, I learned to trust others, but more importantly, I was able to trust myself again. I learned who I was as a person and realized that time waits for nothing, but everything takes its time. The Personal Values course was a game changer for me. To look at all the stuff I’ve done to others unknowingly and how I may have negatively affected their lives in some way is upsetting, but learning how to change conditions for the better pulled everything together for me.
“I can face my son, my family and the world with my head high. I’ve been reborn, so to say. I no longer have the need for alcohol in my life. I have a new life now and it’s 100% a life worth saving.”
I now have the spark back in myself. I can face my son, my family and the world with my head high. I’ve been reborn, so to say. I no longer have the need for alcohol in my life. I have a new life now and it’s 100% a life worth saving. I want to thank all the staff here at Narconon who helped me reach this point. Without all your support my life would not be what it is today. Thank you all so much!
—Narconon Colorado Graduate: Bobby