I Am Ready to Begin My New Life

The Personal Values Course provides the opportunity to take responsibility for past actions. By taking responsibility for past misdeeds a person is able to fully learn from their mistakes and see how they have affected others.
“After writing down all of the harmful acts I had done in the past and the secrets connected to these, I feel like I have dug out the stories that described the old me. Yes, they were fun during the time but looking back at it I put a lot of people’s lives in danger including myself. To me, that was a reckless and selfish act and something that makes me feel ashamed in some sense. A lot of those experiences I am not proud of. But like I have continued to think and say that was in the past and it’s never going to be changed. All I can do is look forward toward the future and how awesome it will be to live clean and sober. I know that I don’t need alcohol to be the crutch to help me. I feel good about getting these stories out and moving on. I feel writing those past experiences has allowed me to release the bad and wrong doings of the past. It has allowed me to start my new life. What I did in the past is the old me. I am so ready to begin my new improved life.”
Matt—Narconon Colorado Student