Improving All Around Well-being

Brady L.

Creating a new life in sobriety is not just about not using drugs or not drinking, it is about developing a better life for oneself. It is important to not only address the physical aspect of addiction but also the emotional and mental aspects as well. Getting sober is an important step, however repairing the damage caused during active addiction is just as important. Here is what one Narconon student had to say about this, nearing the completion of his Narconon program.

“Success: completing something I started. While entering Narconon I came in with a level head and open to whatever I had to do. The program has helped my body feel better in the fact that I have been eating well, working out and taking vitamins. I have now learned how to be comfortable in my own skin better because drugs have always helped me mask myself before. This program has helped me get in touch with my family and remedy our relationship. This rehab program has been different than any other treatment I have been in and I will make this the last treatment I will be in. Moving on out of here I am going to keep the structure that Narconon provided me and I will continue to be healthy and to choose wisely who I surround myself with and the environment I choose to be in.”

—Brady L.

(To preserve privacy, the photo does not show the Narconon student.)



After overcoming her own addiction in 2012 Julie went on to become certified as an addiction counselor in order to help others achieve a life of recovery. She worked in the addiction field for 8 years and now uses both her personal and professional experiences with addiction as an influence for her writing.