Learning Important Life Skills in Withdrawal

During the Drug-Free Withdrawal portion of the program, students focus on learning to be comfortable without the use of drugs and alcohol. One of the ways we work on this is by doing Training Drills. The two Training Drills we focus on during Withdrawal are “Be there” and “Confront.” The whole purpose of “Be there” is to learn how to be comfortable without the use of any outside distractions, be it drugs, alcohol, television etc. The second Training Drill that is done in Withdrawal is called “Confront” the purpose of doing confronts is to raise a person’s ability to face other people, their life, their addiction and their problems without flinching or running away from them. This becomes a very important skill that is used throughout the rest of the program and throughout life. In order to truly become at cause over one’s life, a person must be able to confront their life. The only way to fully handle an addiction is to learn how to confront it and the damage that it has caused. By doing this a person is able to make important progress in their recovery.
“In withdrawal, I learned to calm myself doing the ‘Be there’ training drill and learned to stay focused on a situation during the ‘confronts’. Overall I feel good about myself and ready to move forward with the program.”
Shawn L.—Narconon Colorado Student