Thank You for Giving Me My Daughter Back

Cheryl and Daughter Kali
Cheryl and Daughter Kali

A question I’ve gotten time and time again is “why would anyone in their right mind want to work at a drug rehab?” I understand what people are really asking with that question. To me, they’re asking why in the face of adversity, haters and detractors, overdoses, deaths, and watching families being torn apart, why would anyone willingly put themselves in a position to watch that on a daily basis.

The answer is simple. We do it for the wins. We do it for the successes. We do it for the really hard cases that come through the door and fight, scream, and claw their way through treatment until one day, they wake up and they’re different. Something shifted, something changed, and all of a sudden, a person who was once seemingly a lost cause to everyone around them figures out they can get clean and better yet, they want to get clean. Fast-forward a month or so and that same person who was practically dead from an opioid overdose three months earlier is graduating the program with their parents in attendance, tears running down their faces because they realized that they finally got their child back. Better yet, their child finally has a chance at creating a life for themselves, free from the grip of addiction.

So, why do we do it? For moments like that and for the long-term successes after the program is complete.

Here is our most recent, long-term success story:

Hello Everyone at Narconon Colorado,

“Two years ago on April 25, 2018, I put my daughter on an airplane to go almost 3,000 miles away in hopes of beating the opioid demon that had a grip on her. It was incredibly hard to let her go and trust that this was best for her and would work out. It was hard not being able to talk to her for those first 30 days. It helped so much to be able to talk to the staff and get daily updates on her progress and hear how she was doing. I know it was hard for her going through it all, especially the detox. Well, now it’s been two years and it’s been an amazing two years. She’s clean, happy and healthy. She’s kept a job, is very well liked at work and works very hard, many times 50+ hours a week. She’s respected by her coworkers and managers and has good friends. She’s continued to work on herself and amazes me every time we get to talk, I see her compassion for others, honestly and striving to do what is right. She’s open and real and considerate.

“She saved $6,000 and paid cash for a car last summer, moved into an apartment in September and she continued to save so that when the restaurant she worked at closed due to the pandemic, she had enough to make it a couple of months. Then a previous general manager personally called her and asked her if she would be willing to work part-time during the pandemic at a restaurant he is now at because he remembered her work ethic and hard work.

“Thank you each for the part you played in her recovery and for giving me back my daughter even better than she was in the past before the drugs took her away…”

“I am beyond proud of her and grateful for you all. Thank you each for the part you played in her recovery and for giving me back my daughter even better than she was in the past before the drugs took her away. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

“I can’t say it enough.”

Cheryl S.


Jason Good

Jason has been working in the field of addiction and recovery for over 11 years. Having been an addict himself he brings real-word experience to the table when helping addicts and their families, while also offering a first-person perspective to the current drug crisis. Jason is passionate about educating the public about what’s currently going on in our society, and thankfully, offers practical solutions. Jason is also the co-host of The Addiction Podcast—Point of No Return. You can follow Jason on Google+, Twitter, or connect with him on LinkedIn.