Narconon Blog
How to Support A Loved One While They Are Going through Rehab
Going through residential addiction treatment is not an easy task for a number of reasons. It is hard to be away from home for an extended period of time and it is difficult learning how to navigate life without the use of drugs or alcohol. Add to that the task of working on the problems that were avoided for a long time and let’s just say that, although worthwhile, it can be a challenge.
How to Talk to Someone Who Is in Denial about Their Addiction
The story is pretty common: someone has a problem with drugs or alcohol and everybody seems to know it but the person in question. It could be a brother, uncle, sister, mother, daughter, friend, coworker or really anyone you know.
Help! My Child Is Addicted to Drugs… Now What?!
Perhaps one of the most difficult things that a parent can go through is having one or more of their children struggle with a drug or alcohol addiction. For many people, the first reaction would be “where did I go wrong?” It is important to not get caught up in the self-blame game because it isn’t going to help anything. The best thing to do is to begin to get proactive about finding a solution to the problem.
Breaking through Common Barriers to Treatment: Part 3
In the final portion of our series, we will go over a few more of the common reasons a person may give in order to try and get out of going to addiction treatment.
Breaking through Common Barriers to Treatment: Part 2
In the second part of our series, we will explore more of the common reasons people give to try to get out of going to rehab. We have also provided some tips on how to break through these excuses, in order to help a loved one agree to get help for their addiction.
Breaking through Common Barriers to Treatment: Part 1
Many times when people confront their loved ones about their addiction, the person being asked to get help will immediately begin to throw out reason after reason why they cannot go to treatment.