Narconon Blog


Jason Good in Addiction
April 7, 2020

Alcohol Sales Skyrocket Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

When people are quarantined in their homes and most of society is shut down, idle hands become the devil’s playground.


Julie in Addiction
December 11, 2019

The End of the Road of Alcoholism

I’ve seen what the future can hold if I ever chose to start drinking again, and I don’t like it. Alcoholism leads to a life of pain, a life of regret, and an ending that most people would never knowingly choose.


Julie in Drug Education
December 3, 2019

Stop Promoting The Idea That Drinking Wine Every Day Can Be Healthy

The other day I was sitting in the waiting room of a chiropractor’s office that had one of the televisions that scrolls between various ads and educational slides. I’ve seen these sorts of things all over the place so I didn’t think much of it until one slide, in particular, came up.


Julie in Addiction Recovery
November 12, 2019

Gratitude: The Best Gift of Sobriety

If there is one thing that my journey through addiction recovery has taught me, it’s the importance of gratitude.


Julie in Addiction
October 4, 2019

When Drinking Stops Being Fun

Every person who has suffered from alcoholism or has had a drinking problem started out drinking like anybody else. It began as a way to have fun, relax and forget about the stresses of life for a while. Maybe it started out with a glass of wine and a nice meal or a way to get to know new people.


Julie in Drug Education
September 27, 2019

Alcohol-Related Deaths Among Women Are on The Rise

A recent analysis conducted at the University of Washington by The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation shows that the overall number of alcohol-related deaths in the United States rose 35% between 2007 and 2017.


Julie in Drug Information
December 15, 2018

The Negative Consequences the Glamorization of Alcohol Has on Women

Alcohol advertisements targeted towards women love to show glamorous ladies enjoying fancy drinks in classy settings.


Julie in Drug Education
January 24, 2018

British Study Finds a Link Between Alcohol & Cancer

According to the American Cancer Society heavy alcohol use has been linked to multiple types of health concerns. Perhaps the most alarming of these health concerns is cancer.


Julie in Addiction
March 16, 2017

Breaking Up With Alcohol, My Best Friend & Worst Enemy

Breaking up with alcohol was by far one of the hardest things I’ve had to do. Because I loved alcohol and the thought of living without it not only terrified me but in a sick and twisted way it sort of broke my heart.