Narconon Blog
Are You Enabling an Addict?
Enabling a loved one’s addiction is one of the most dangerous things a family can do. Although it can feel like helping, enabling allows a person struggling with substance use to continue their behavior without consequence.
Loving An Addict Without Enabling Them
Put simply, the word “enabling” refers to any behavior a family, friend, or co-worker might do that allows an addict or alcoholic to continue drinking or using drugs. The concept of “not enabling” means that any form of support that would prevent an addicted individual from seeking help is immediately stopped, however...
Learning the Difference between Enabling and Helping an Addict
One of the hardest things a person can go through is seeing someone they love struggle with addiction. In the beginning, most people will want to whatever they can to help their loved one get better. Sadly after all of the lies, disappointments and let downs it can be easy to want to throw in the towel when it comes to hoping someone will change…