Narconon Blog
My New Sober Life
An important aspect of maintaining a sober lifestyle is setting and achieving goals in different areas of one’s life. The hard work doesn’t stop when someone leaves treatment; this is actually the time when it is important to apply the skills that were learned during one’s program. One of our recent graduates shares the goals he has been working on since completing his time at Narconon.
Stories of Addiction Recovery
Before drugs, I was a lost soul whose life revolved around drugs. I lost a lot of things, from my family to my possessions and home. I came to Narconon to get help with my addiction with the help of my mother. I was very iffy being here.
I Feel at Peace with Where I Am
Addiction can have a way of making people struggle with day to day life. It can rob people of their laughter, trust, and joy. Through overcoming addiction, a person regains the ability to have those things in their life that addiction has taken away. Here is what Tami has to say about her journey…
I Never Thought I Would Make It This Far
Our goal at Narconon is simple: to help people overcome their addiction in order to live a better life. “I have achieved so much here at my stay at Narconon. I have been sober for 69 days and I have never felt better! I am immensely happy. I haven’t been happy or sober in so long…“