Narconon Blog
Recent “Healthy Meth” Bust in Colorado Highlights Insanity of Addiction
Find out more about the insanity of addiction. Addiction is a formidable enemy in our modern society and too often, addicts and alcoholics are stigmatized by this battle and this stigma can prevent people from seeking drug and alcohol rehabilitation help.
Does Legal Weed Lead to Heroin? Ask Colorado
Marijuana legalization has been a hot-button issue for years. You’ve got its supporters and its detractors. You’ve got those who see all the benefits of legalizing marijuana for recreational purposes and you’ve got those with a million reasons why it’s a bad idea.
Instead of Creating Zombies, Fake Weed Now Found Containing Heroin, Fentanyl, Tramadol, and Meth
Spice, otherwise known as “fake weed,” has been in the news off and on for many years. When spice first hit the scene, it offered itself to drug users as a marijuana alternative that could be used without fear of failing a drug test. The story with spice is pretty well-known at this point.
An Estimated 40,000 Children Born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Every Year
Alcohol use during pregnancy is the leading preventable cause of learning disabilities, birth defects and developmental disabilities in children.
Counterfeit Prescription Pills Are Causing Deadly Overdoses
It used to be that if someone took a pharmaceutical pill they knew exactly what it was and how much of the drug was in it. These days people can never be too careful because the prevalence of counterfeit pills is on the rise.
The Negative Consequences the Glamorization of Alcohol Has on Women
Alcohol advertisements targeted towards women love to show glamorous ladies enjoying fancy drinks in classy settings.
Recent Study Finds a Link Between Alcohol and Suicide in Colorado
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), long-term mental health risks of excessive alcohol use include anxiety and depression.
Drug Addicts in the Media
Drug addicts appear to be victimized, glorified, villainized and ostracized all in one breath by the United States media outlets. In writing an article it is never advisable to admit that not much time was spent on researching the topic but in this case, I would have to disagree.