Narconon Blog


Julie in Narconon Success
September 21, 2018

Figuring Out My Priorities

The New Life Detoxification portion of the program (also known as the sauna) is an important aspect of the Narconon Program. This is often times a major turning point in people’s journey towards addiction recovery.


Julie in Narconon Success
April 9, 2017

Getting Better For Myself

Often times people who are starting out in recovery do so because their family wants them to. While there is nothing wrong with this, it is important that a person develops their own personal desire to get better for not only their family but for themselves as well.


Julie in Narconon Success
February 21, 2017

I Needed This

In my opinion, one of the successful aspects of the Narconon Program is instead of telling a person why they are here or have done what they have done, we help people figure these things out for themselves.