Julie in Addiction
March 16, 2017

Breaking Up With Alcohol, My Best Friend & Worst Enemy

Breaking up with alcohol was by far one of the hardest things I’ve had to do. Because I loved alcohol and the thought of living without it not only terrified me but in a sick and twisted way it sort of broke my heart.


Julie in Narconon Success
February 26, 2017

I Don’t Have to Call Myself an Alcoholic

One of the things that sets the Narconon Program apart from other programs is the belief that if a person is able to fully handle their addiction they no longer need to think of themselves as an addict or an alcoholic.


Julie in Narconon Success
January 30, 2017

Overcoming Alcoholism

Narconon takes a different approach to addiction treatment than traditional 12-step models. At Narconon, we do not believe that relapse has to be a part of recovery.


Julie in Narconon Success
December 31, 2016

How Narconon Helped Me Build a Life of Meaning

After a particularly self-destructive night of drinking I went home to my parents house. My family all sat me down and I remember telling my brother that overall I felt I was “ok“. I’ll never forget the look that he gave me when he said “you shouldn’t have to settle for just being “ok“ you should be able to be happy.“