Narconon Blog


Jason Good in Narconon Success
August 19, 2021

I Finally Know that I’ll Be Okay

I realized the only way I dealt with my issues was to use drugs and alcohol. At the end of the program, I made a plan to give myself the best chance to continue my sobriety and stay happy.


Julie in Addiction Recovery
May 23, 2019

Seven Lessons I’ve Learned During Seven Years of Sobriety

Seven years ago I made a decision that would entirely change the course of my life. I decided to get help for my addiction and to make a serious effort to change my life. I was sick of living a life of active addiction and tired of hating myself for it.


Julie in Addiction Recovery
February 13, 2019

Is It Really Possible to Live Life Completely Sober?

When I first went into treatment, the idea of living a life 100% sober terrified me. I thought it would be boring and I had no idea how I would deal with the stresses of everyday life.


Julie in Sobriety
May 22, 2018

How It Feels to Be Six Years Sober

Every year around May 22nd I like to take a look back at my life and see how much it has changed. It has become a special day for me and a time of reflection because it is the day that I took my last drink. On May 23rd, 2018 I will officially be six years sober.


Julie in Narconon Success
April 18, 2017

How Narconon Colorado Saved Our Son From Alcohol Addiction

Narconon Graduate Mike and his fiancée Sara Part of being a parent is wanting what is best for your child and wanting to them be happy. That being said seeing your loved one, particularly your child struggle with an addiction is a rather difficult thing to see.


Julie in Narconon Success
April 9, 2017

Getting Better For Myself

Often times people who are starting out in recovery do so because their family wants them to. While there is nothing wrong with this, it is important that a person develops their own personal desire to get better for not only their family but for themselves as well.


Julie in Addiction
March 16, 2017

Breaking Up With Alcohol, My Best Friend & Worst Enemy

Breaking up with alcohol was by far one of the hardest things I’ve had to do. Because I loved alcohol and the thought of living without it not only terrified me but in a sick and twisted way it sort of broke my heart.


Julie in Narconon Success
March 6, 2017

Seeing Things For How They Really Are

“Before I got to Narconon I knew things were getting really bad and that they were out of hand. I was drinking around the clock and I couldn’t go four hours without having a drink or I would get really sick.…“


Julie in Narconon Success
March 5, 2017

I Feel at Peace with Where I Am

Addiction can have a way of making people struggle with day to day life. It can rob people of their laughter, trust, and joy. Through overcoming addiction, a person regains the ability to have those things in their life that addiction has taken away. Here is what Tami has to say about her journey…