Narconon Blog


Julie in Addiction Recovery
September 12, 2019

Essential Aspects of a Healthy Diet in Addiction Recovery

It’s no secret that drug addiction wreaks havoc on the human body in a variety of ways. Most people who are caught up in addiction are not obtaining the optimum amount of nutrients. When the body is deprived of essential nutrients it cannot perform properly and will begin to deteriorate over time.


Julie in Addiction Recovery
July 11, 2019

The Many Advantages of Living a Sober Lifestyle

One of the reasons many people hesitate about living a sober life is that they fear they will be missing out on things. There is a lie that too many people have bought into that drugs or alcohol are a necessary way to have fun.


Julie in Addiction Recovery
February 25, 2019

The Importance of Boundaries in Addiction Recovery

In order to live a life of sobriety after living a life of addiction, a person will need to make several changes to the way they live their life.


Julie in Addiction Recovery
February 13, 2019

Is It Really Possible to Live Life Completely Sober?

When I first went into treatment, the idea of living a life 100% sober terrified me. I thought it would be boring and I had no idea how I would deal with the stresses of everyday life.


Julie in Sobriety
November 26, 2018

Signs You Are Ready to Get Sober

Are you struggling with the decision of getting sober? Here are some questions to ask yourself to see if you are ready to make a change. Is your drinking or drug use no longer enjoyable? Let’s be completely honest, in the beginning, drinking and drug use don’t always have negative consequences.


Julie in Narconon Success
September 5, 2018

Looking Forward to a Life of Sobriety

Recent graduates share their feelings about how it feels to complete the Narconon Program. “I am happy I completed the program. It definitely wasn’t easy, but it was worth the time and effort. I am so thankful for this place and the staff.