Narconon Blog
Are You Enabling an Addict?
Enabling a loved one’s addiction is one of the most dangerous things a family can do. Although it can feel like helping, enabling allows a person struggling with substance use to continue their behavior without consequence.
Bad Parenting Does Not Cause Addiction
While bad parenting does not cause addiction, good parenting can certainly help prevent addiction in the first place.
Loving An Addict Without Enabling Them
Put simply, the word “enabling” refers to any behavior a family, friend, or co-worker might do that allows an addict or alcoholic to continue drinking or using drugs. The concept of “not enabling” means that any form of support that would prevent an addicted individual from seeking help is immediately stopped, however...
Tips For Dealing With a Loved One Trying to Get Out of Going to Rehab
One of the most frustrating things about dealing with a loved one that has an addiction is the denial that occurs.
How to Help a Friend Whose Loved One Is Addicted
With the high rates of addiction across the United States you’d be hard-pressed not to know anyone who has been affected by this nationwide problem. That being said here are some of the ways you can help support a friend whose loved one is addicted to drugs or alcohol.
Why Parents Need to Talk to Their Kids About Drugs
While talking to your children about drugs sounds about as enjoyable as listening to nails on a chalkboard it is something every parent must face…
How to Support A Loved One While They Are Going through Rehab
Going through residential addiction treatment is not an easy task for a number of reasons. It is hard to be away from home for an extended period of time and it is difficult learning how to navigate life without the use of drugs or alcohol. Add to that the task of working on the problems that were avoided for a long time and let’s just say that, although worthwhile, it can be a challenge.
How to Talk to Someone Who Is in Denial about Their Addiction
The story is pretty common: someone has a problem with drugs or alcohol and everybody seems to know it but the person in question. It could be a brother, uncle, sister, mother, daughter, friend, coworker or really anyone you know.
How to Establish Boundaries with an Addict
When someone you love is addicted to drugs or alcohol it is very difficult not to get stuck on their emotional roller coaster along with them. Healthy boundaries are important in any relationship, but even more so when someone you care about has an addiction.
10 Common Signs & Symptoms of Drug Abuse
Parents say it all the time—“I had no idea my kid was using drugs!” Sometimes it can be difficult to spot the changes that occur when substance abuse is taking place. It is important for every parent to educate themselves about the red flags of drug use.