Narconon Blog
A Day In the Life of An Alcoholic
A Day In the Life of An Alcoholic The day after Saint Patrick’s Day in 2010 is a day I will never forget because it was one of the worst days of my life. I woke up in a jail cell still half-drunk, covered in bruises, my hair a mess and facing felony charges of assaulting a police officer.
How Sobriety Has Become the Foundation for My Life
How Sobriety Has Become the Foundation for My Life About seven and a half years ago, my life was what many people might call a mess. I was having a hard time making ends meet and had to move back in with my parents because I was drinking entirely too much alcohol.
Ads That Promote Alcoholism Should be Banned
The other day I was watching TV, and I saw an advertisement for Coors Light beer that was promoting morning drinking. The ad which may seem innocent enough to many showed two male roommates in their twenties cracking open a morning beer while eating breakfast and watching football.
The End of the Road of Alcoholism
I’ve seen what the future can hold if I ever chose to start drinking again, and I don’t like it. Alcoholism leads to a life of pain, a life of regret, and an ending that most people would never knowingly choose.
Stop Promoting The Idea That Drinking Wine Every Day Can Be Healthy
The other day I was sitting in the waiting room of a chiropractor’s office that had one of the televisions that scrolls between various ads and educational slides. I’ve seen these sorts of things all over the place so I didn’t think much of it until one slide, in particular, came up.
Alcohol-Related Deaths Among Women Are on The Rise
A recent analysis conducted at the University of Washington by The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation shows that the overall number of alcohol-related deaths in the United States rose 35% between 2007 and 2017.
“Mommy Wine Culture” is Encouraging Alcoholism in Women
I don’t know about the rest of you, but recently I’ve seen an explosion on social media of memes that depict mom’s drinking wine in order to cope with their children.