Narconon Blog
Are You Enabling an Addict?
Enabling a loved one’s addiction is one of the most dangerous things a family can do. Although it can feel like helping, enabling allows a person struggling with substance use to continue their behavior without consequence.
Bad Parenting Does Not Cause Addiction
While bad parenting does not cause addiction, good parenting can certainly help prevent addiction in the first place.
How to Help a Friend Whose Loved One Is Addicted
With the high rates of addiction across the United States you’d be hard-pressed not to know anyone who has been affected by this nationwide problem. That being said here are some of the ways you can help support a friend whose loved one is addicted to drugs or alcohol.
How Addiction Changes Priorities
Without realizing it, a person can quickly slide into the lifestyle of addiction. The scary thing is that sometimes people will not see what is really happening until it’s too late. One of the many unfortunate side effects of addiction is that it changes a person’s priorities—and not for the better.
The Difference between Knowing There Is a Problem and Doing Something About It
Getting to the point of accepting help for an addiction is usually a process. Yes, every person is different but there are often similarities between common experiences. Many times a person will know or suspect that they have a problem long before they are willing to do something about it.
How One Person’s Addiction Impacts Their Entire Family
A common lie that addicts tell themselves is that they aren’t hurting anyone else with their addiction. Unfortunately, that couldn’t be farther from the truth.
How to Establish Boundaries with an Addict
When someone you love is addicted to drugs or alcohol it is very difficult not to get stuck on their emotional roller coaster along with them. Healthy boundaries are important in any relationship, but even more so when someone you care about has an addiction.
Help! My Child Is Addicted to Drugs… Now What?!
Perhaps one of the most difficult things that a parent can go through is having one or more of their children struggle with a drug or alcohol addiction. For many people, the first reaction would be “where did I go wrong?” It is important to not get caught up in the self-blame game because it isn’t going to help anything. The best thing to do is to begin to get proactive about finding a solution to the problem.
How a Wife’s Unconditional Love Helped Save Her Family From Addiction
Amanda with her husband Justin and their children. Not only does it take courage from someone suffering from addiction to confront their problems, it also takes strength and courage from the people who love them the most.