Narconon Blog
This Was the Best Thing I Could Have Done for Myself
Recent Graduates share their experiences with overcoming addiction at Narconon Colorado. “Narconon Colorado was a phenomenal program. It literally saved my life. Although each part of the program seemed difficult, it was worth it 100% to stick it out and conquer it.“
I Cannot Wait to Embrace All Life Has to Offer
My life before drugs was amazing and very memorable. I loved, I lived, and I laughed. Then I started using drugs and I lost more than I could ever imagine. I lost my ability to live a full life. I felt nothing and I was always sick, I lost my pride and any ability to feel.
I’m Going to Enjoy Each Moment Like it is My Last
Overcoming addiction is an amazing accomplishment. Although it is a challenging experience, the end results are well worth the effort needed to regain control of one’s life. Two of our recent graduates share their experiences…
Getting Past the First Days of Addiction Recovery
The idea of quitting drugs or alcohol is often a scary thought to someone who is caught up in addiction. The fear of going through withdrawal or living a life of sobriety often times holds people back from taking the first step towards a better life.
Improving Communication Skills
Training Drills are done after the New Life Detoxification step of the Narconon program has been completed. These drills are done with a partner in order to improve team working skills. The main purpose of the Training Drills is to increase a person’s ability to confront, control and communicate.
Learning To Live In The Present
After the Training Drills have been completed a person moves on to the Objectives portion of the Narconon Program . This part of the program is designed to help a person establish themselves in the present moment instead of dwelling on the past.
Regaining Confidence & Getting Back On Track
“My Sauna experience had a strong influence on me. My body feels completely different than when I walked in…”
Personal Growth & Addiction Recovery
The Objectives portion of the Narconon Program provides the opportunity for major personal growth and self-realization. A large aspect of the Narconon Program is the idea that people are better equipped to handle the challenges of life when they learn how to help themselves.
New Life Detoxification Program
Before addressing any of the mental or emotional aspects of a person’s addiction we like to work on addressing the physical aspect. After a person completes the Withdrawal portion of the Narconon Program they move on to the New Life Detox portion of the program, also known as Sauna.
The Personal Values Course
Doing the Personal Values Course helped me reflect on what kind of person I am and how I see the world around me. I came to look how I behaved in the world objectively and realize that I did a lot of things I would not want other people to do in society.