Drugs Made Me Happy…Temporarily
My name is Logan and I am a recovering meth addict. I started smoking weed in 8th grade and it quickly became an every day thing. By the time I was 16 years old, in 10th grade, I was unmotivated and depressed with my life. I started to try other harder drugs like coke and acid. This progressed to meth and heroin…
A New Year Is a Great Time to Overcome Addiction
As one year draws to an end and a new one is ready to begin we often start to look back at the things we have accomplished and think about what we would still like to achieve. For many people it is a time of personal reflection and inspiration for growth, for others, it can be a somber reminder of too many things left undone.
Relapse Is Not a Part of Recovery
Anyone who’s been around the recovery community for any length of time has probably heard their fair share of clichés that get passed-off as a way to help encourage hopeful addicts through their recovery process.
The Importance of Sharing Stories of Addiction Recovery
Every day in the news we are hearing about lawsuits with big Pharma, soaring overdose rates, and all of the negative consequences of the addiction epidemic the United States is currently facing.
Drug Free. For Good. Stories of Recovery
Recent graduates share their stories of overcoming addiction and starting a new path in life.
Stories of Addiction Recovery
Before drugs, I was a lost soul whose life revolved around drugs. I lost a lot of things, from my family to my possessions and home. I came to Narconon to get help with my addiction with the help of my mother. I was very iffy being here.
I’ve Had A Major Breakthrough and Feel at Peace With Myself
In my journey through the Narconon program, I have achieved tremendous success at this facility. I started out rough and rebellious, it took a few staff to coach me in the doors. The dedication that they had shown in that very moment amazed me.
Getting through the First Year of Sobriety
Making any major life change is a challenge, to say the least. Overcoming an addiction? Well, that can be even more challenging. That’s not to say it isn’t possible—people recover from addiction everyday.
I Now Have the Spark Back in My Life
Before coming to Narconon my life was in liability. I was drinking heavily on a day-in and day-out basis. I spent twenty-three years of my life hiding behind a bottle. I used every excuse to drink. If I couldn’t find an excuse, I would drink anyway…
I Am Able to Confront Any Obstacle That Comes My Way
Recent graduate Troy shares some of his personal accomplishments upon completion of his Narconon Program.