Narconon Blog
I’ve Had A Major Breakthrough and Feel at Peace With Myself
In my journey through the Narconon program, I have achieved tremendous success at this facility. I started out rough and rebellious, it took a few staff to coach me in the doors. The dedication that they had shown in that very moment amazed me.
I Have Learned How to Confront My Problems
Getting through an addiction treatment program takes a lot of hard work, self-reflection, and dedication. Some days are more difficult than others but when done correctly, the end results are well worth the time and effort.
I Am Able to Confront Any Obstacle That Comes My Way
Recent graduate Troy shares some of his personal accomplishments upon completion of his Narconon Program.
Gratitude: An Essential Part of Sobriety
Early recovery feels like a whirlwind of fluctuating emotions. The rollercoaster of learning how to live life without the use of drugs or alcohol can be pretty intense. It can be easy to fall into the trap of self-pity and ingratitude.
Getting Past the First Days of Addiction Recovery
The idea of quitting drugs or alcohol is often a scary thought to someone who is caught up in addiction. The fear of going through withdrawal or living a life of sobriety often times holds people back from taking the first step towards a better life.
The Motivation to be Better
The Narconon Program is a step by step process designed to help people learn how to improve their own lives. “Today I am 14 days sober, the longest I have been in the last couple of years.
Steps Towards a Sober Life
It is inspiring to see the different wins that various people get out of doing the Narconon Program.
The Personal Values Course
This Course provides people with the opportunity to take responsibility for and learn from past mistakes. Below are some wins from Narconon Colorado graduates they shared after completing this portion of the program.
A Second Chance at Life
I have just been approved for completion of the Narconon program. It has been a wonderful experience here. I flew into Colorado so apprehensive, even through Med-Detox, but once I started working the program I began seeing significant changes that I have never seen in the past.
I Owe This to Myself, Above All Else
The first step towards a new life in addiction recovery is getting off of drugs or alcohol. At Narconon Colorado, we have people to help with this process available 24 hours per day. Timothy shares his thoughts regarding his experience upon completing the Drug-Free Withdrawal step.