Narconon Blog


Glen Petcavage in Narconon Success
October 2, 2018

The Personal Values Course

This Course provides people with the opportunity to take responsibility for and learn from past mistakes. Below are some wins from Narconon Colorado graduates they shared after completing this portion of the program.


Julie in Narconon Success
July 30, 2018

Self Growth from the Personal Values Course

The Personal Values Course provides the opportunity for self-reflection and growth. It is not always an easy process but when done correctly a lot can be gained from the process. Below two Narconon Colorado graduates share their experiences of The Personal Values Course and what they got out of it.


Julie in Narconon Success
June 23, 2018

The Personal Values Course

Doing the Personal Values Course helped me reflect on what kind of person I am and how I see the world around me. I came to look how I behaved in the world objectively and realize that I did a lot of things I would not want other people to do in society.


Julie in Narconon Success
March 27, 2018

The Importance of Honesty in Recovery

Why are honesty and integrity such an important part of recovery? Because they are some of the first things to go when someone is caught up in an addiction. At first, it starts out small like downplaying the number of drinks that were had the night before but over time the lies begin to escalate.


Julie in Narconon Success
April 2, 2017

How Substance Abuse Affects Every Aspect of a Person’s Life

As most people know, drug use does not only negatively affect the person who is using drugs, it also impacts the people who are close to that person, the groups they are a part of and the community that they live in.


Julie in Narconon Success
March 20, 2017

I Am Ready to Begin My New Life

The Personal Values Course provides the opportunity to take responsibility for past actions. By taking responsibility for past misdeeds a person is able to fully learn from their mistakes and see how they have affected others.


Julie in Narconon Success
February 6, 2017

How the Personal Values Course Can Bring About Relief

A person can accumulate a lot of guilt and shame from past misdeeds that were committed during active addiction. One of the difficult parts about this guilt and shame is that it can fuel a person’s addiction in order to seek out a temporary relief.


Julie in Drug Rehab
January 29, 2017

Taking Responsibility for Personal Possessions

Many times when people are caught up in active addiction or substance abuse they begin to not take care of their belongings. It’s not due to being a “bad person“ but rather a shift in priorities.


Julie in Narconon Success
January 28, 2017

Personal Development through Personal Values

When done correctly the Personal Values course has the ability to give people life changing realizations about themselves, their behaviors and their past patterns. This part of the program provides a great opportunity for personal growth and development. It is not an easy thing to do but it is very beneficial.


Julie in Narconon Success
January 27, 2017

Establishing Personal Values

One of the many things that drugs take away is the ability to care about what is right and what is wrong. An important part of recovery is learning to re-establish a personal moral code, and the Personal Values Course aims to help people do just that.